Monday, July 10, 2017

There's no place like home...

After two long weeks, 5 states and 4500 miles we made it home on Friday July 7th! It's so hard for me to do this trip with out Mitch. We miss him terribly when we are gone but I want to show these girls the world. I want to show them that there is much more to life than corn and beans and what Central Illinois has to offer. They tried new cuisines, saw new animals and had new experiences, and you really can't put a price on that.

Mitch took a little trip of his own while we were gone. He hadn't been to Salt Lake to see Ryan and Carrie in almost 4 years, and it had been nearly two years since they'd had a visit at all. He really wanted to meet the twins, Zack and Alex so it seemed like the perfect time. He was there from Thursday to Monday, did some hiking and golfing, but most of all enjoyed some time with his closest friend.

We are glad he had a good trip, but it sure was nice to be together again!

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