Thursday, March 18, 2010


Amy and Laura 1980

Leah and Kiersten 2010

To have a loving relationship with a sister is not simply to have a buddy or a confident -- it is to have a soulmate for life.
-- Victoria Secunda

A sister shares childhood memories and grown-up dreams.
-- Author Unknown

I smile because you are my sister, I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it!
-- Author Unknown

These are some of my favorite quotes about sisters. Through all 39 weeks and 6 days of my pregnancy I went back and forth about whether the baby was a girl or a boy. I was torn. Really, I just wanted a healthy baby...that was all that mattered. But when I really thought about it I had strong feelings both ways. How great would it be to have a boy, one of each...a fishing, hunting, camping buddy for Mitch. A "Momma's Boy" for me since Leah is such a "Daddy's Girl" and a good rough and tumble playmate for Leah. PLUS, I LOVE my brother! We have a great relationship, always have and I hope always will. Yeah, I know we always will. BUT on the other hand, how great would it be for Leah to have a precious little sister, so the days when she wants to play with her dolls, wants to parade around in mommy and Gigi's shoes (yes, she does this). How great would it be for Leah to grow up with the one person you will never escape. A sister is truly a girl's best friend...I might not have thought that growing up, but since my late teens my sister has been more than my friend. She is my most trusted confidant, my sounding board, the one who can make me laugh no matter what, she encompasses everything that a best friend and sister should be. This was a tough one, girl or boy, girl or boy...really it didn't matter. And it still doesn't. Our family is exactly the way that it was meant to be. And besides maybe the next on will be a boy, ha! Yep, talking about the next one already only I can guarantee that it is still a few years away :)

After all is said and done though, I hope that Kiersten and Leah will grow up to love and respect and appreciate one another the way that sisters should. I hope that they will realize how special it is to be two flowers from the same garden. I hope they value one another for their differences and cherish their similarities. I hope that they will love one another as much as I love my sister. That's all a mother can hope for.

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