Thursday, March 4, 2010

Every last minute

I have been on a blogging kick and I want to keep going but our computer is on the right now I am using my husbands really old laptop, and I don't have access to any of my pictures. Hopefully it won't be long until we are back in business but in the meantime, no pictures on the blog :(

The hours are winding down now. It's just a matter of time now before baby #2 is here. Either it comes on it's own, or the doctor will perform a C-section in 5 days. It's hard to imagine how much our lives are about to change. How will it be taking care of two kids as opposed to just our little Leah? Mostly I've been wondering how Leah will react to the new baby. I think she is ready, she pats my belly, hugs and kisses it and says "baby" but REALLY, how ready can a 21 month old be? Can she really fathom all the changes that are about to take place? I also think about how much I am going to miss just having time with Leah, and how much I am going to miss just me and her cuddling on the couch, playing with her toys, reading books. On the other hand I know that the new baby will sleep A LOT, maybe that will give us just the right amount of time that we need for some mommy-Leah time. In the meantime I'm cherishing every last minute with Leah.

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