Tuesday, June 28, 2011

BUG Bites!

And I don't mean "those" kind of bug bites, ha! My Sweet Kiersten is just growing up so fast. I can't believe that she is a walking, talking, toddler. She is an independent thinker, player, doer. She keeps herself occupied, and is perfectly happy doing so. Sometimes I just sit back and watch her play and smile at her curious nature.

We had her 15 month well child check up 2 weeks ago, but summer is just bustling...and I barely have time to stop and breathe so I'm lagging on these posts. Anyway, Bug was 31.5 inches and weighed 22 lbs and 12 oz. She is maintaining in the height department developmentally. Still hovering around that 75th percentile, but she finally made some headway in the weight area. She has crept up into the 40th percentile. The longer I've been a mom, the more I am starting to realize that those "percentiles" really don't mean a darn thing. Babies in the 10th percentile are just as healthy as those in the 95th most of the time, so what does it matter? It doesn't take a genius to figure out that my girls will probably be a bit on the shorter, squater side of things...look at me, and their grandma and their great-grandma. The odds are stacked against them :) On top of that their Daddy is 5 foot 10, so no super model height girlies in this household...I'm almost for certain! Regardless of the percentiles, My Bug is healthy and happy and that's all that counts. Her hair is really starting to grow out and I can't believe the perfectly coiled golden ringlets that fall from her head. Her cousin Shelby has the prettiest red ringlets so I'm wondering if some day Kiersten will share Shelby's beautiful curly locks. She FINALLY got a 5th tooth on June 16th. It's been torture for the poor kid and it seems that there is another one trying to push through still.

Not a whole lot of new words to add to the vocab. Gigi, Colby, Macy came along in May. She says Thank you, and Sissy. She mentions lots of toys by name. My favorite is when she tries to fold her hands in prayer at the dinner table. She starts the prayer perfectly with "GOD" but then she's lost, and when we are done she claps her hands in excitement and says "YAY". There is just so much I love about my sweet lovebug, Kiersten. And I know that love will only continue to grow.

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