Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Water Fun

It seems that summer has arrived. We went down to Charleston this past Sunday to have dinner with my family. It was a house full! The weather was great so we packed swimsuits and the sprinkler and let the kids play...and play they did. We went from having cool wet weather to hot, sunny and in the 90's overnight, but we enjoyed it none the less. The kids love being outside and it was so nice for the grown-ups to sit and watch them play together. It's so wonderful to see our families together. The girls love Macy and Colby so much and it's awesome that they get to play together much more often now. In fact Macy and Colby are two of Kiersten's favorite words.

Mom wants to have Sunday dinners on a regular basis and we are IN! No cooking and fun for the kids...we totally jumped on that bandwagon. Now let's wait and see how we feel about it come winter when we are all stuck in the house :)

For now though, we are going to relish in the sun, bask in all the happiness and smiles that the day will bring. Drink up Lemonade slushies to our hearts content. Kiersten especially was fond of them and probably drank 3 or 4. So cheers to Sunday's at Gigi and Papa's house, can't wait to do it again.

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