Sunday, October 9, 2011

Going, Going, Gone!

And No, I'm not talking about Baseball!!! Even though it is October and the St. Louis Cardinals are on their way to the NLCS...Woo Hoo!!! I AM talking about my weight. This weekend I stepped on the scale and I am down 23 pounds in almost 5 months. Exercise...who knew?!?!

Mitch and I have been on a health mission. We always have eaten healthy. In fact it would be difficult for us to eat much healthier than we do, but since having my babies we had become pretty sedentary. That changed when we got to Decatur. And it's paying off. I love using ADM's wellness center. The Les Mills Body Attack, Body Step and Zumba classes are not only a good workout, but most days I consider them to be a lot of fun. I don't want my girls to grow up thinking that it is okay for them to live sedentary lives. We try to get outside and play a LOT and they love jumping on the trampoline. In fact, it makes my heart melt when Bug says "Tampoleeen" and then tries to climb up on her own. Leah loves to "Bounce on her tush, tush" as she says. We have got to start working on the bike riding, but today they had races down the driveway and back.

In addition to showing my girls how important it is to be active I KNOW I am doing so much for my own health. The benefits include weight control, better sleep, better moods, more energy. I am fighting off heart disease, high blood pressure...Not to mention it can battle depression, fend off strokes and help prevent certain cancers. YAY, me! I feel good, I look good and I intend to keep it that way.

1 comment:

Suze said...

Congrats! You look great - not that we've ever met, but I'm so glad you are feeling good and doing this for yourself! I just started taking some of the Les Mills classes last month - Body Pump and CXWORX - I can take them at lunchtime at work, plus one night of spin...nothing like my pre-baby days where I was taking classes 4 nights a week, but I feel so much better in general when I am working out regularly. I'm hoping the Les Mills classes help with a few last pounds and some toning up, but I really love the classes so far! Keep it up!