Friday, June 29, 2012

One Week

Sweet Hattie is already 8 days old! That just flew by...and it probably didn't help that we spent 4 days in the hospital. Having her home has been so wonderful and I am totally, madly in love with this little girl. And when I see her big sisters loving on her my heart skips a beat. I never in a million years imagined that I would be the mother of 3 beautiful little princesses, but I am and it's awesome. Ask me again, when they are teenagers and I may be singing a different tune...I kid, I kid!

It was HARD to get Hattie to cooperate for this picture. She did NOT want to be on her tummy, then she spit up on the chair. I took what I could get and gave up. We will leave this kind of shot to the pros. Speaking of: A friend in Decatur emailed me that a newborn photographer in Bement was looking for a newborn baby girl to model for a free photo shoot. I sent Melissa Morris at Simply Baby ( an email and sure enough she chose Hattie to model. We went last night to her family farm and I know she got some beautiful shots. I can't wait to get the CD. But anyway, back to the one week update. 

My girl is an amazing breast feeder. I don't know if it's just that the third time is a charm, or if she is just really good at it, but it's working for both of us. So far so good and no problems to report. She is at the breast for 20-25 minutes about every 3 hours and is spacing it out even more over night. Her absolute most favorite place to be is curled up on her daddy's chest. She likes to rest her head in the crook of his neck...I'm so lucky that my girls have such an amazing dad, and I love seeing him with his girls.

For the most part we are going down for the night around 10-10:30 and she is waking around 2-2:30, and then going back down until 6'ish...sweet sleep! So Mitch and I have been pretty happy with that, and enjoying the sleep that we are getting for the time being. We went back to the pediatrician for a weight check today and YAY!!! She was 8 lbs 11 oz, one ounce more than birth weight. Doctor looked her over a bit and asked me a handful of questions (we just saw her on Monday) and sent us on our way. We go back in 7 weeks for her 2 month well-child visit. First week has been great and I hope things continue on the right track.

1 comment:

Suze said...

So sweet! Glad the girls are loving on her!