Friday, September 20, 2013

Clang, Clang, Clang Went the Trolley

Mitch and I FINALLY got a vacation, alone, just him and I with no kids for more than 12 hours! And it was amazing!!! He was in California for over a week for work, so it seemed like the perfect chance for me to join him. I flew in on Friday afternoon. He picked me up and we drove through the bay (I think) to our hotel in Japantown. That first night we just took it easy, walked around the area and had dinner at a little authentic Japanese restaurant. It was nice. Then we went back to the hotel bar, made friends with the bartender Bill who turned on the Cardinals game for us. Yes, even on vacation we MUST watch our beloved Cardinals.

The next morning we got up and got moving. We went and got passes for the bus/trolley. I was hesitant at first but it was so much easier than trying to drive and park around the city. We took the bus to the shopping mecca and were excited to jump on the trolley. Of course they were having technical difficulties so we had to wait an hour to board but it was fun going up and down the hills of San Fran on the trolley. We got off near Lombard St. (There is a picture below). It is the curviest road in the states. And there are several myths about why it was so curvy. One, because all the houses were so expensive/elite that the owners didn't want people driving by to gawk. Secondly, the hill was so steep they wanted to force people to go slow. I don't know the truth but if you look at the, I don't want to drive down that street for sure!


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