Monday, September 9, 2013

Home Alone Hattie

This little lady is totally loving her one on one time with Mommy! In case you can't read her sign it says "1st day alone with Mom!" And Mommy is enjoying it too. I almost forgot how nice it was to only take one kid to the grocery store. She sits in the cart hamming it up for all the little old ladies we pass by. We've been going to the YMCA every morning and she is totally turning on the charm for the ladies in charge. We are doing plenty of extra snuggling on the couch and are continuing to work on her verbal skills. She is a girl of few words. But everyone tells me that is normal. Why does she need to talk when she has two big sisters who will do it for her?!?!

She is definitely a daddy's girl too. All of my girls have been to some extent. Leah for sure, and Bug on occasion, but this one totally lights up when her daddy comes home. She waddles over to him and begs to climb up in to his lap, whenever he is sitting in the recliner and is just the sweetest little thing. I've never met a more content toddler. She is really getting into playing. She likes to chase our dog, Sandy. And I think that Hattie and Bug combined are a force to be reckoned with. Since Kiersten only has preschool three days a week, these two get to spend a lot of time together while Leah is at school and I think they have their own private language. I can already tell they are going to give me a LOT of gray hairs. In two weeks Hattie has her 15 month check-up (I want to cry thinking about how quickly she became a toddler) so I'm anxious to see how much she's grown!

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