Monday, March 31, 2014

Celebrating Jackson

Yesterday we celebrated the baptism of Jackson Edward. Matt is a Godparent to all three of my girls, and now I am a Godparent to all three of his kids. Such an HONOR!

Of course, it was held at my home church in Charleston. There is something that I love about going to my home church...about being there with my family...parents, brother and my own children. The familiar faces just make it seem like home!

And look at those adorable kids who sat like perfect angels during the service. I couldn't believe how good they were! Love them all so much. After the service mom had a luncheon at her house. Fried Chicken, that Bug was talking about all week long...mashed potatoes, cole slaw, corn, deviled eggs. A meal certainly befitting Sunday dinner. It was wonderful, and I'm so glad Cynthia snapped this picture of Papa eating out on the porch with all the kids. God bless our beautiful growing family. And may God continue to bless Jackson, always.

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