Sunday, March 8, 2015

Happy 5th Birthday, Love BUG!

How did this happen?!?! I have to admit that I am taking 5 a little hard. This means that soon she has to go to school and she won't be here for me to love on ALL.DAY.LONG. She is turning into such a big girl...I can hardly stand it. She just makes my heart so happy...I mean look at that smile? I think she came into this world with a smile. Don't get me wrong...she can be all sorts of fiesty and independent and bullheaded too (I blame that on the Schultz side of her, lol) but for the most part, she is still my little love bug, my little snuggle bug who is perfectly content to just curl up in my lap. I know I won't realize it when it happens but someday there will be a last time, and I just can't imagine our days without it.

She has her ups and downs with her sisters, but she is mostly a great sister. She looks up to Leah, and of course Hattie idolizes her. They are quite the trio. Leah made Kiersten a special birthday gift. She seems to be obsessed with Treasure the palace pet these days so Leah made her a card with Treasure on it. And the gratitude was so adorable. "Oh thank you, thank you, Leah!" You would have thought she was going to Disney World.

Anyway, at 5, you are starting to read, you have a crazy vocabulary and speak well past your years. You love to sing. Taylor Swift and Katy Perry are your favorites. You still love to sing Firework and lately you are all about Blank Space by Taylor. You dance your little heart out every week with Ms. Jan and you are anxious about starting Golf and softball this summer. I think your favorite show is Miles from Tomorrowland on Disney channel. You never forget to say your prayers before a meal,  and you think going to the movies or to Dairy Queen is the best treat ever. You make my heart so happy. And as much as I want to keep you little I can't wait to watch you grow. I feel blessed beyond measure to be your mom. I love you, Bug!

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