Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Ruby Falls Part 2...and More!

So after you finish the underground tour at Ruby Falls you head back up on an elevator, but they send you up even higher. Of course they want you to enjoy the gorgeous views, and then you get to see the River. But they also have restaurants, a gift shop and a play ground and zip line up top. Leah wanted to zip line desperately, but she wasn't old enough...maybe next time. So the girls played on the playground for 30 minutes or so. Then we headed into the gift shop where they picked out a souvenir and they got a push-up pop for a snack.

It was a gorgeous day and it wasn't quite 5 o'clock yet. The last thing we wanted to do was head back to the hotel. So back downtown we went. It was in the 70's and we were loving it. We just parked and walked downtown for a bit, through a flea market and then over towards the river. They have a wonderful playground so we let the kids run and play for a little bit longer. You would have thought they would have been wiped out, but they just kept going and going and going! Around 6:30 we ordered a pizza and then headed back to the hotel. Quick dinner and then swimming in the hotel pool! Needless to say, they were wiped out after that!

It was a really great trip. There were still several things that we would have loved to do, if we'd had more time. Chattanooga, we will definitely be back!

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