Tuesday, May 3, 2016

When Grandparents come to town...

So this past weekend, Grandma Tootie and Grandpa Dave came for a visit. It has been nearly two years since they had ventured South. We told the girls we were getting company but didn't tell them who. They were pretty excited when the car pulled into the driveway.

Hattie and I had spent the afternoon making cupcakes. Friday the 29th was Grandma Tootie's birthday so they were excited to sing Happy Birthday to her. On Saturday Mitch and I had tickets to the Cardinals game. We left the kids with their grandparents and gave them some passes to the Children's Museum and said "Have fun", and I think they did!

On Sunday we all attended church together, went out to lunch and then they put our zoo pass to good use. The girls love taking advantage of the fun things that Decatur has to offer for kids. And it was especially nice that they could do them with their grandparents.

Monday morning it was time for them to pack up and move out. It was a good trip. The girls had a great time and they are anxious to see the rest of the family in Minnesota in June.

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