Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Nat and Jo!

FINALLY!!! After almost two years Laura came home for real! She was home for one day in October 2014 but that doesn't count, ha!  She and Jeff flew in with the girls on Saturday June 18th. We went to Charleston, the girls played outside and had a great time. We ordered pizza for dinner...and then we did it all over again on Sunday the 19th for Father's Day! It was so awesome to see Nat with her cousins, she just adored Kiersten and Hattie and they adored her right back. Bug took such good care of her and had so much patience playing with her little cousin.

On  Monday they came over to Mt. Zion. Both Leah and Bug had softball games so Aunt Laura and the girls came to watch them both. But before we could head to the fields, a Cardinal got IN our house. I called Mitch to come home and help get him out. Thankfully, our neighbor Don got home. He came over and saved the day...Good times! I think the popcorn and the cherry slushy got the win for the night with Nat. She had fun running around at the fields with other kids, but she and Hattie were definitely a fan of the snacks!

On Thursday we had a celebration...most of the Myerscough's got together at my parents house in Charleston for a family reunion of sorts. I'll do a seperate post for that. But it was also a chance to celebrate lots of littles birthday's. We celebrated Hattie who turned 4 on the 21st, Parker Phillips who turned 5 on the 22nd and then Joanna celebrated her 1st birthday on the 23rd. It was a great time and a good excuse for us all to get together!

On Friday, Laura, Jeff and I and the kids met at the Mattoon Golf and Country Club for some pool time and then on Saturday Gigi treated all the kids to a movie. We went to see Finding Dory. After the movie we stuck around Gigi's for a while so I could visit with my sister more. I never appreciated her as much as I should have when we were younger, but hands down, she is my BEST friend and Im always left wishing that we lived closer to one another and that we had more time. Love her so much....and those sweet girls. It always makes me happy to think that someday my girls will be equally as close! It was a great week, and we can't wait to see them again!

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