Wednesday, January 6, 2021

December 37th, 2020

 So much for “2021” is our year!!! It’s January 6th...too soon to ask for a refund???

We returned from AZ and Mitch had a cough, then he was sweating and shivering through the night. At first he had no covid symptoms other than a cough. I mean, he could smell, he could taste, no sore throat, no fever...surely this was just a cold. But the test proved otherwise. He’s Covid positive. A few days later and we’re ALL positive!!!

In other news political extremists stormed the Capitol building in Washington DC today. Congress was set to count the electoral votes today to verify our new president. What I watched on TV was truly disturbing. Our country needs healing...our country needs Jesus. Praying for healing for our land. I’m scared for what we are leaving our children. 

And then to top it off a spectacular day, Mitch heard the dogs barking outside. When I opened the door and called for them, Piper came running and seconds later I heard Zoey yelping. Piper ran back out and a few minutes later they both came in. Only later did we discover Zoey had a gaping puncture/flesh wound on her back leg. The vet had to put her under and stitch her up. Thanks for nothing, 2021!!!

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