Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Back in Business

It didn't take long for us to jump right back into our old routine...

There was however, nothing routine about moving!!! I made it to Illinois on Sunday night with the girls and Mitch arrived LATE Tuesday night, early Wed. morning. We were both up and out of the house pretty early on Wednesday so I could get to our closing in Decatur. After the papers were signed and the keys were in hand. Mitch and I stood in our new house thinking...what now?

We went to Wal-Mart and grabbed a few things. Then headed to Lowe's to get paint and a few other things. Wed. night and most of Thursday was spent painting Leah's room and the upstairs bathroom. They both took 3 coats, SERIOUSLY, we will never use Valspar again...forever fans of Home Depots Behr Brand. On Thursday afternoon I went back to Charleston to see the girls. My mom was being a trooper looking after them while we were getting things done. On Friday morning it was back to business. The movers arrived around 8:30 and got started. When I arrived Mitch had a good start on the unpacking of the kitchen. We managed to finish it and BOTH of the girls bedrooms before my mom arrived with the girls around 5:30. Leah was SUPER excited to see her new room. She repeatedly told us thank you and how much she loved it...kind of made those 3 coats of paint worth it. The rest of the weekend was spent unpacking. And by Monday only 1 box remains. I am being a procrastinator with that one just because I don't know where I want to put it's contents.

We were even able to get in quite a bit of outside time over the weekend. The weather was great and with nearly an acre of yard it seemed a shame to not take advantage of it. On Saturday night we went to our first choice in churches. St. Paul's Lutheran here in Decatur has a Saturday night service which I LOVE! It is also where Leah will be going to preschool pretty soon, so it seemed like an obvious place to start. Still have to check out a few more before making a decision though. Overall, things have been going very well and it's starting to feel like home.

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