Thursday, April 14, 2011

Gigi's Birthday!

Since we live so close and all...We were able to drive to Charleston this past weekend to celebrate Gigi's Birthday. It was great-Grandpa Merle's birthday too and Leah did a fantastic job singing to both of them. Grandpa got a kick out of it and I think he loved hearing her sing. She even gave him a big snuggle too.

It was a beautiful day, high 70's and a good breeze so on our way down to Charleston we stopped at the store and picked up some kites and bubbles. Colby and Leah loved trying to fly them out in Gigi and Papa's big yard. It made for lots of fun watching them too. The kites were cheapo $1 kites from Wal-Mart but that didn't stop them from getting up off the ground. Really, they weren't too shabby...I'd buy them again. Leah LOVED her kite, I got her the Little Mermaid.

Matt and I decided that since it was mom's birthday we should do the cooking. Matt got some chicken breast marinated and made some delicious BBQ bacon wrapped shrimp. Cynthia made a corn casserole. I made a pasta salad, Mitch made a green bean/potato salad and together we made some DELICIOUS homemade whopper, chocolate malted buttercream cupcakes. I knew that Whoppers were once one of my mom's favorite. At lunch she told us how she had an aunt who always had chocolate malted milk balls in her candy dish, and how she always loved to visit her. I'm glad I remembered they were her fave. Anyway, They were so good. It was a wonderful day with the family, and we hope Grandpa Merle and Gigi had a great birthday!

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