Saturday, April 9, 2011

Unpacking and Progress

Wow, who knew how much work it could be to unpack a house and take care of two kids. It's been a week in our new home, but things are really coming together. The first floor is really pretty much done. Of course, there are still pictures to hang, and a little organizing to do...but for the most part it feels like home. In most of the pictures, if you see pictures on the wall they are just there to keep them off the floor and away from the girls. And the book shelves in the family room...well, you are going to have to give me some time with those. Again...stuff was just put up there to keep it out of the girls reach. And Yes, the dining room is a playroom. We needed a playroom and don't have a dining room set so it seemed like a win/win situation.

We were really really lucky moving into this house. All of the colors were really neutral and so we didn't have to do any painting. On the down side, the previous owners must have been freakishly tall because all of the nails in the walls are very high, so there is some patchwork that needs to be done and it may be difficult to match paints. Fortunately there is can after can of used paint in the garage and the basement so I am hoping we can figure it out. So for those of you that have been waiting (Laura, Tiffany, etc etc.) Here are some pictures of the kitchen, living room, dining room/playroom and the family room. I'll keep working on things upstairs and try to get pictures posted soon.

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