Monday, April 25, 2011

School Days

Leah started preschool last week. I was so happy for her!!! She went to daycare "School" in New Jersey for a year and a half and we pulled her out shortly after Kiersten was born for financial reasons, and filled our days with MOPS meetings and playdates. Leah always asked about her school and her friends though. So it was a no-brainer that once we got back to the midwest she would be going back to school. I knew I wanted her in a Christian program and I didn't have to look long or hard to find one. There are 2 Lutheran Pre-Schools here, JACKPOT!!! Not only did I go to a Lutheran pre-school, but I taught at one for a few years too. And just our luck they had an opening in the 3 year old room...1 opening just waiting for us. She technically isn't 3 yet, but they let her start anyway. She LOVES it and to make it even more interesting, we have been going to church at St. Paul's so she gets to spend her time there on the weekends to. The girl is definitely comfortable. The teachers said she fit right in from the start...No, not my social butterly, ha ha!

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