Saturday, December 3, 2011

You Better Not Pout, I'm Telling You Why...

The week before Thanksgiving Cynthia and I took the kids to the Hospice Festival of Trees. This is a cause very near and dear to our hearts. My mom has been on the committee for years and spends lots and lots of hours planning, decorating and working the event. I hope someday to find a similar cause that I can contribute my time and talents to. Anyway, they always have a Santa that the kids can see. At first Leah was terrified. She didn't want anything to do with him. So we sat and listened to one of the celebrity story tellers. Colby was a brave little guy and went right up, had a seat and told him he wanted a green tractor. After seeing that Leah got a little more brave. She sat on his lap, told him she wanted an American Girl horse for her Dolly, happily took her candy cane and hopped down. Next up was Kiersten. I attempted to put her on his lap and she clung to my neck with a death grip and cried a cry I have never heard before. Needless to say we passed on her Santa picture this year. Better luck next time :)

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