Tuesday, August 21, 2012

2 Months Old

My Sweet Hattie is 2 months old today...and changing so much! At her 2 month check-up she was 11 lbs, 11 oz (75th percentile) and measured 23.25 inches (90th percentile). She looks LONG! And she is still such a sweet and mellow little girl. On August 8th and 9th respectively Mitch and I both got to see her first smiles.  So Adorable! And then on the 17th we started hearing her first coo's and baby babbles. She is totally trying to find her voice. We've been putting her on her play mat more and more, and she is batting at the toys, and I would guess that we are super close to rolling over. She gets to her side and then rolls back to her back.

As far as feeding goes, I couldn't be happier with my little champion breast feeder. She is on a pretty solid 3 hour schedule. And her sleep schedule is going very well. She's down for the night between 10-10:30 and then sleeps until 4-4:30 and back down until 7. For now she is still in the co-sleeper in our room. No immediate plans to move her to her nursery. It's so convenient just rolling over and scooping her up to feed her in the middle of the night. Just like big sister Kiersten, she is SO close to finding her hands. We are pretty sure she is going to be a finger sucker...or a thumb sucker too! My baby is growing and changing so quickly, soon I will be saying "Let me hold you longer."  I love this stage!

1 comment:

Suze said...

Happy 2 months! Time sure flies! She is getting so big!!!