Wednesday, August 15, 2012


You know the saying...A picture is worth a thousand words? Well this one speaks volumes!!! My Leah is no longer a baby, no longer a toddler. She is growing up right before my eyes. I took this picture last week. We were at Gigi and Papa's house and she was in full princess her sister orders and running the roost. You have attitude, sometimes it's good and sometimes not so much. But you certainly know how to stand up for yourself. You are independent and strong willed...both characteristics that will get you far later in life. You also have a tendency to be a little bit dramatic. You are my little drama queen, sometimes you can turn on the water works over the littlest things. Gigi took you swimming a few days ago, and you got to be good friends with the lifeguard. She helped you kick and swim in the pool and even got you to jump off the diving board all alone. When it came time to leave, you cried and said "But I don't know if I will ever see you again?" I don't know where you come up with this stuff, but it makes me laugh.

In about 10 days you start 4's preschool, at St. Paul's. And while I am ready for you to go back to school, I'm sad that we are that much closer to Kindergarten. You were a baby in my arms and then I blinked. And you are so smart!!! You can write your name, and a lot of other small words. You know your address and phone number and more. We've been working with you some on writing, and other skills. We have some "Brain Quest" games and you are already mastering the 5-6 year old level. You are amazing and smart and we just love you so much. You are definitely our little princess and we wouldn't have it any other way.

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