Sunday, August 12, 2012

Goodbye, London!

The 2012 Summer Olympics are over. What a fun ride! Mitch and I were glued to the prime time coverage...and I did my fair share of watching during the day. I mean, come on...I'm stuck on the couch breastfeeding for hours a day. Plus, I LOVE the Olympics. I have to say one of the things I've enjoyed the most was watching it with the girls. Leah and Kiersten kind of got excited about the swimming, the diving and of course the gymnastics. After week one, Kiersten would come into the living room and ask "Is this the Olympics?" and then she would cheer "Go 'Merica!" the cutest thing was one day she came in and yelled "GO 'Merica!" and then said "Mommy, what's America?" She cracks me up. Leah of course would ask if she could "participate" in whatever event we were watching "Can I do Gymnastics when I get bigger? Can I learn to jump in the pool like that?" and more. Ha, I wouldn't count on us being able to shell out the money that those parents must spend to get their kids to that point.

I'm sad to see the Olympics end. Four years is such a long time to wait for my favorite events. But I thought I would give a run-down of some of our favorites so the girls can look back on their first Olympics some day and see how hugely successful it was for Team USA.

Highlights for us of course were Michael Phelps...we were amazed 4 years ago, watching him win 8 gold medals in 8 events when Leah was just a baby. Four years later, with Hattie in our arms we were so excited to see him become the most decorated Olympian ever with 22 medals. Just Amazing! He will be missed in Rio in 2016 and Missy Franklin the 17 year old from Colorado was awesome with 4 gold and 1 bronze at her first Olympics. I think I watched every single one of Misty May-Traenor and Kerry Walsh Jennings in their Beach Volleyball matches. Three time Gold medal winners...and their emotion on the court and podium brought tears to my eyes. The Fab Five: Women's Gymnastics team were crazy fun to watch. What a high when they won the Gold, and Gabby Douglas the all around Gold and Ali Raisman medals in individual events was super exciting to watch. Women's soccer and their overtime win and then on to the Gold...Men's basketball taking the Gold from Spain two times in a row. Boudain and his 10M platform diving gold was great. I don't know how they can jump from that height. No thanks! There were lots of highlights and I haven't even gotten to track and field. Wow..I love the Olympics. I don't know how the winners can keep their composure during the National Anthem. I cry here at home, I couldn't imagine being the one with the medal around my neck. Cheers to all America's Athletes that brought home the Gold, or the Silver and Bronze for that matter. Good Olympics, thanks for the memories London!

1 comment:

mommyisromantic said...

We loved watching all the coverage too, its sad that it went by so quickly! :) it was really fun watching, our favorites were the girls gymnastics, all the swimming, and the running events.