Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Big Sister, Bug!

Kiersten has taken the role of big sister, and ran with it. She simply adores Hattie and it makes me so incredibly happy to see them bond. Kiersten has to be the first one in Hattie's room in the morning to say "Good Morning, Hattie Cakes" and then she has me bring Hattie back to my bed so she can snuggle and play with her a bit before we get full swing into our morning routine. She loves to sit on the floor and play with her, although lately she isn't wanting to share her toys...of course she expects Hattie to share hers, Sigh!

She is becoming such an independent and smart little person. She knows almost all her letters and numbers and is working on writing her names. It's a work in progress. She makes me smile, but she is also exasperating. When things don't go her way, she stomps her feet, crosses her arms and says "That's not fair, Mommy!" She says this a lot. But in no time, she is asking for me to rock her and snuggle in the chair...I happily oblige. She is mysnuggle, bug after all. "My girls are the greatest blessing to both Mitch and I. Every good and perfect gift is from above." ~James 1:17

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