Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Santa and the Schultz Family

Santa is so good to us...remembers to visit us at Grandma Tootie and Grandpa Dave's house every year. And he always takes good notes on what the girls have been up to. He was able to talk about our trip to Utah, swim lessons, dance class...even asked Leah how her leg was doing since she cut that artery in July and all. They were super excited to see him. Well, at least Kiersten and Leah were. They loved listening to the stories he had to tell and answered his trivia quiestions as quick as they could. Did you know that female reindeer have antlers the same as the males. You can learn a lot from Santa.

Hattie, on the other hand, clung to Aunt Lisa. Mitch tried to get her closer to him and at first she buried her head in his shoulder. By the end of the visit she was starting to warm up and when we asked her what Santa says she eagerly responded "ho ho ho"...she's got that part down!!!

Santa was good to us all. Mitch got a new Cardinals Hat. I got a Salad Bowl. Leah and Kiersten got new "Frozen" Barbie dolls with color changing outfits and new dress up clothes. Hattie got a glow worm and Little People Aladdin's Magic Carpet Ride...she loved them both! We can't wait to see Santa again next year...and hopefully our Schultz Family much sooner.

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