Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sit down with Santa!

Last week we had the opportunity to meet up with Santa. I should preface by saying the opportunity didn't just "present" itself. I actually scheduled the appointment on October 6th. Laura Kruger Photography in Bloomington does Santa sessions every year, and they usually sell out in just a few hours. Lucky I always remember to set a reminder on my phone. So I should say, we went to our previously scheduled appointment time with Santa, ha!

I knew that Hattie would be problematic. When Leah was 18 months old and Kiersten was 20 months old, they shrieked in fear at the man in red. So I figured Hattie having a meltdown would be a safe bet. I talked to Laura before hand and had her arrange for Santa to sneak in behind the girls and I could not be more thrilled with the end result! It was Christmas Card PERFECT!!!

After he started moving towards the front of the couch was when the chaos ensued. Of course Hattie completely lost it. At one point I thought she was going to climb off the back of the couch to get away from him. It was actually a little comical. But Leah and Kiersten had no trouble snuggling up the the Big Guy and Kiersten was so precious whispering her wish list in his ear. Leah was a little skeptical. She asked him more than once where his reindeer were. It was so fun! I love seeing Christmas through my childrens eyes!

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