Sunday, February 19, 2017

Little Fish

Since her last swim meet this little Fish has gotten an upgrade. In late January she was asked to move up to the Blue Elite swim team. They practice 4 days a week and they swim for an hour. Leah has tumbling on Thursdays so we could only commit to 3 days a week, but it's amazing how much she has improved already!

I was sad to miss her last meet, but I knew that Mitch would make sure I got to see her in action. They left for Bloomington around 6 AM to get there in time for 7 AM warm ups. Mitch messaged me right away that she was doing great. He knew it was her best times by far, but I never imagined she would knock almost 8 seconds off of her 50 free and almost a second off of her 50 back! So proud of this kid! Mitch thought she easily had her best time in her breast stroke too, but somehow she was DQ'd but its always her toughest event so she'll get there eventually. The Fly was a new one for her, and she's interested in relays so she wanted to give it a go. Love her little heart and can't wait to see her swim again!

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