Friday, February 17, 2017

The Bike Wreck of ALL Bike Wrecks

We've had a day!!! This sweet girl of mine is injured and it's breaking my heart. I had a doctors appointment today and my neighbor Holly so graciously watched the girls. After I got home, I walked over to say "thanks" and to tell the girls that they could come home. While I was talking to Holly, the girls were riding bikes. After a few minutes, Holly looked at me and said "is someone crying?" and I agreed that someone was. So we started to walk towards the cries. Kiersten was coming towards me and I told her to calm down, that she was fine. But I quickly realized she wasn't fine. It looked like she had a softball in her cheek.

I asked Holly to watch the other two and got Kiersten in the van and headed to St. Mary's Emergency Room. I was a nervous wreck driving her...I didn't want her to lose consciousness, so I asked her to sing songs, count to 20, and she answered question after question. She was so brave. She didn't cry until we were parking the car and she asked if she was going to have to get a shot.

They moved her into triage quickly, and in no time Mitch was there with us. THANK the LORD! They looked her over and then we sat and waited. They ordered X-rays and a CT Scan of her head. They checked out all her scrapes and cuts. When all the tests were done, they cleaned her up and got medicine and bandages on her. And then we had to wait. She started to get hangry, so a sweet nurse brought her a cup of jello. And shortly after they let us know that the radiologists said the X-rays and scans were all clear so they sent us home. I'm totally sleeping in her bed tonight. My poor sweet baby girl.

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