Saturday, February 13, 2010

Breech Baby, Breech Baby

Oh wait...I think the words to the song are "beach baby, beach baby" ha! But anyway, yes I have been dealing with a breech baby for more or less the past 4-5 weeks straight. Most the time I wouldn't be able to tell you if the baby was breech, vertex or transverse, but this little one was having lots of hiccups and they were always right underneath my right ribs...what gives!!! Leah was head down and locked into position at 30 weeks, so why can't this little one cooperate?

Anyway, I knew exactly when the baby turned. It was Wednesday night, after our "winter wallop" and Mitch was out shoveling the driveway for the last time after our 20 inches of snow. I was having all sorts of pains and not long after they ended the baby got the hiccups and sure enough they were down by my right hip...YAY!

I went to my 36 week appointment on Friday and my doctor did an ultrasound and FINALLY the head was down. I was beyond long as the baby is head down I won't have to schedule the dreaded C-section...yet. We still have to do another ultrasound to look at the baby's measurements. With a VBAC he won't let me attempt to deliver a "large" baby, and he also won't let me go post due date, but anyway...I've been feeling all sorts of weird pains again today and sure enough, the baby just had the hiccups and is breech AGAIN! I'm not going to panic yet though, hopefully this little one will get his or her act together soon. If it could go head down once it can do it again. I am having another ultrasound this Thursday (37 weeks and 3 days) and I hope everything looks good!

Onto other baby related things...the nursery is just about put together, the bottles and breastpump have been re-sanitized and washed, we need to pack our bag and I think we will be rady to go. Well, there is the whole name thing to consider. I thought it was hard to name Leah and we knew that we were having a girl...I think it's even harder this time, not knowing. We think we have names picked out but I just can't commit...and no, don't ask because we won't tell you :) I'm hoping that when I see and hold our second little baby it will just click.

For now a few pictures of our blizzard will have to do. Hopefully will get some more pictures from the ultrasound next week of our new little bundle of joy.

This time Leah actually gave her snowman a hug!

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