Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The First Mother

The First Mother

"Even though she sinned against God, Eve showed her children-and all those whole could be born on Earth in subsequent generations-the beauty of repentance, forgiveness and restoration."
~ from the book, Mothers of Influence

Okay, well maybe my mother isn't the first mother, but she is first in my book. She is an amazing mother that I am so thankful for. As I prepare to have my second child I reflect on my own life and my family. For those of you that know me-you know that my family means the world to me and I love them more than words can express. Of course I try to express this but how can one really detail what they feel in their heart. For those of you that know my mom, I'm sure you will agree that she is one of God's most amazing gifts, a true blessing and one of the most special people you will ever meet. That's probably why my dad fell in love with her, and probably why she has been able to put up with him for 33 years, ha!

When I think back about my childhood I have such positive memories of my mother. It wasn't always easy but she managed to make time for it all. I can remember her rushing me to preschool so she wouldn't be late for work and one particular afternoon when she was pregnant with Matt and tripped on the sidewalk, whoops. I remember talking to her on the phone shortly after she had Matt, and she told me I had a brother. I was at my Aunt Karen's and Uncle Dave's and I told her she should have named him John. I remember her playing games with us, and one particulr game when she would wash out hair and make me laugh and laugh by saying that she just saw a turtle or a frog go down the drain. I remember the first time she let me go to the movies without an adult. Tara and I were 10 and we went to a matinee of Adventures in Babysitting. But more than that I remember the lessons that she tried to teach us about life. I remember her pushing us to keep moving forward when we were discouraged and not give up. I remember her encouraging us to pursue our own hearts desire regardless of what anyone else thought. I remember he diligence on the importance of church and how your spirituality and relationship with God could help get you through anything that life throws at you. Dad wasn't much of a church-goer and she would take all 3 of us to church and keep us quiet and occupied through the service every Sunday. And lastly, she taught us about pride and civic duty in your community. My mother is a woman that gives and gives until you think she can't give anymore and then she gives some more and you are just in awe of her generosity of spirit. I can't name all the charitable causes that she has been a part of or I would be writing all day, but her service to the church, the Coalition for People in Need, CCAR and Hospice are just a few.

More than just teaching us these life lessons she LIVED these life lessons, and set the most highest standards for how you should live your life. In addition to being a great role model, she surrounded us with other amazing strong woman. Growing up I felt like I had a number of mother figures...friends and family. There was Deb who worked for my dad, babysat us and quickly became more of an aunt than a family friend. We spent just as much time at her house as we did any other family member. She wasn't afraid to discipline us and teach us the ways of the world and make sure that we knew the difference between right and wrong. There was Aunt Trina who has the kindest most sincere spirit and would do anything to comfort you and make you smile. There is Cece who is so knowledgeable about the world and always willing to share her knowledge. She also is an amazing listener and tries to really help when you need a helping hand, and then my Aunt Karen. There aren't even words to describe how much I miss her sometimes. Aunt Karen told you how it was. If you called her "Karen" she corrected you, it was "Aunt Karen". She put an emphasis on having respect for your elders. If you were doing something wrong she would bring it to your attention and get you back on the right track without flinching, but she did it with a love that you couldn't deny. She had a shoulder that I cried on many times, and her arms gave the best hugs. So in addition to the wonderful example that my mother set for us, I can't begin to thank her for the other positive mother-role models she brought into our lives. I love my mother and I love these women too. So thank you to them as well.

I've often wondered if I will ever be the amazing mother to my children that my mother is to me and my siblings, but the answer to that is easy. No, I won't be...I will be different than my mother but I will share the same life lessons and values that my mother shared with me. Her patience, her heart, her hospitality, generosity, kindness and love have set the perfect example for me and that is all that I can ask for. I'm beyond fortunate to have her as my role model of what a friend, woman and mother should be, and as amazing as a mother that she has been...She is an even more amazing Grandmother. Leah loves her "Gigi" so much and I know that baby #2 will love her just as much.

For many of the milestones in my life my mother has given me a book, always with a connection to the strength of God's love. When I graduated from High School is was a book titled As You Leave Home. When I graduated from college with my bachelors it was I Hope You Dance. And when I became a mother it was Mothers of Influence, She always made little notes in the margins for me that make me smile. Here are some of my favorite quotes from Mothers of Influence.

  • A Mother of Influence inspires a love of learning.
  • A Mother of Influence teaches her children to do what is right.
  • A Mother of Influence instructs and encourages her children to extend compassion to others.
  • A Mother of Influence teaches her children to pray.
  • A Mother of Influence knows joy can be found in the simple rhythm of life.
  • A Mother of Influence sets a godly example for her children.
  • A Mother of Influence teaches her children the difference between right and wrong.
  • A Mother of Influence has faith in her children's potential.
  • A Mother of Influence sets an example of generosity.
  • A Mother of Influence provides a loving, stable environment in which her children can grow.
  • A Mother of Influence prays diligently for her children.
  • A Mother of Influence models forgiveness for her children.
I love you mom, thank you for everything that you do, have done and will do. You're the best!

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