Thursday, February 18, 2010

Little Jaybird

You know the saying...Naked as a Jaybird! That seems to be how Leah is most comfortable these days. She just makes me laugh so much sometimes. It doesn't matter if we are getting dressed in the morning or getting ready for bed at night, but if you let her out of your grip and she gets away from you she runs around the house naked yelling"woo woo, woo woo". There is just no stopping her. She runs the circle lap between our living room and kitchen and when you tell her to "come here" she stops and gives you this devilish little grin that can just melt your heart.

Sadly, my naked little jaybird has been struck down by the stomach flu this week. Honestly, I am lucky that she never really got it before now. She had the stomach flu over Thanksgiving 2008 but she was only 6 months old and it wasn't as hard on her as it was the rest of the family. This time it was a little tougher. It wasn't fun for me or her and I think I let daddy take the brunt of the clean-up duties. Poor thing would start coughing and the next thing you knew she was vomitting. She couldn't keep anything down all day long, not even water and she was content to lay on the couch and watch movies most of the day...which never happens. She crashed on the couch too! This was the first time she ever took a nap on the couch...she must have been really worn out. Thankfully she seems to be doing better and is back to her high energy self...soon she will be running around naked as a jaybird again, ha!

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