Monday, October 11, 2010

7 Months!

This past Friday...October 8th, our little Kiersten turned 7 months old. I feel like a broken record because every month I say "(BLANK) months!!! I can't believe it!" But I honestly can't. She is certainly not the little baby girl that came home from the hospital with me. She is a mover and shaker without a doubt. No stats for 7 months because it doesn't require a check-up but I think she has gained a pound or two, so between 17-18 lbs is my guess. Her gums are continually swollen so the normal parent would swear up and down that a tooth is going to emerge at any moment, but not us...we've played this game before. We said for months "any day now" with Leah and she got her first one on her 11 month birthday and her second one on her 1st birthday and about one a month no predictions from us on when her little toofers will make an appearance! She has however started to show signs of extreme independence. She is refusing baby food all of a sudden. She wants to feed herself completely and will lock-up those lips if you try to feed her. Mitch gave her some mushrooms off his pizza on Friday night, and it seems there was no turning back. She has had cut up pasta, rice, peas, black beans and corn now and I am stuck at a crossroads trying to figure out what to feed a baby that only wants to feed herself. Isn't she a little young for all this!!! Pediatrician says no so I am gonna run with it. She rarely, rarely, rarely gets a bottle...Yep! 7 months later I am still going strong with the breastfeeding but today (10-11) she gave herself her first bottle. Held it herself the entire time and didn't drop it once...I was pretty impressed. She has also mastered the crawl and sit in the last week. She crawls to wherever she wants to go and can turn and sit herself up now. It's cute, and she mostly likes to follow her big sister around. Occasionally she will go after one of the dogs and will pull their hair.

I love taking these monthly pictures of Kiersten. I can't wait to put them all together and look at the changes. Although, like I said last month it is getting harder and harder...take a look and I think you will see why. I got 3 keepers and then there are about 10 where she decided that she must destroy the block, gotta love her!

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