Sunday, October 10, 2010

All dressed up and no place to go.

It seems I just can't keep Leah out of my closets these days...the girl is all about shoes! Now, you will have to excuse the mess in the background...I promise my bedroom never looks like that but I have been in the process of cleaning out closets, putting away the summer clothes pulling out all the winter clothes and the Goodwill/Salvation Army pile is accumulating in the corner. But anyway, since I was cleaning out the closets and we were hanging out in my room it seemed like the perfect opportunity for Leah to get the shoes on. She must have spent 30-40 minutes just trying on different pairs of heels and trying to walk around in them. I had to capture the image. I love that she is trying two different pairs and looking in the mirror to check them out. Almost makes me miss the days when I would have to decide what shoes to wear to work...almost.

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