Wednesday, October 6, 2010

S is for Scarecrow

It's been ages since I blogged last, but we have been a house full of sick ones. Kiersten got a virus a few weeks back and this was my day, no joke: Kiersten wakes up & eats. Leah wakes up and while walking out of her room Kiersten throws up on Leah's head. So I put Kiersten in her crib, make Leah breakfast. Go to get Kiersten to bring her into the living room and she has diarreah all over herself and me. So we turn around to the bathroom, I strip her down, set her on the bathroom rug to get the bath ready...she pees all over the rug. You can't make this stuff up! Mitch says "Your day can only get better." No doubt! So the virus lasted about 8 days and the kicker is that Mitch got it too...Not me, not Leah, but poor Mitch. He actually had to stay home from work one day and everything. We had about 3 days of healthy and then we got hit again...this time it was the head cold of all head colds. Sneezes and sniffles and coughs and runny noses you wouldn't believe, except this time I was not spared. Leah, Kiersten and I all suffered through it. Leah and I seem to be doing better, but poor Kiersten still has a heck of a runny nose.

I anyway I am trying to catch up on the blog. During those 3 days of seemingly good health, we ventured out to the Orchard for Farm and Read. It's a great little program where they read stories to the kids and then have activities for them. Last week was scarecrows and Leah was beyond excited to build her own scarecrow...just look at the pics...she did GREAT! We gave our scarecrow a face after we got home. We were joined at the orchard by my friend Kathleen and her son Ryan. After the scarecrows were made we ventured over to the "petting zoo" which is really just a fence with some goats and geese and a horse behind it. Now we have been to this orchard so many times I have lost count but this time Leah was so brave...she fed the goats all by herself. She cracked me up. She would give one goat one kernel of corn and move on to the next one saying "one for you, one for you, one for you" and when the goats would try to bully each other out of the way to get more corn she would say "No, Goat! Not your turn, you share!" She is such a hoot! And I just had to add this picture of Kiersten...Kathleen took Leah to the storytime while I fed Kiersten in the car, when I was done I turned around to get her stroller and a change of clothes for her. She had hopped into the driver seat and was all "Mom, I'm ready for my first driving lesson. I swear I am ready to take the wheel!" Seriously!!! I couldn't believe it :)

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