Monday, July 25, 2011

Neigh, Neigh

While we were at Rockome Gardens all 4 of the girls got their first ride on a horse. Her name was Lady Jane. She was a mellow, calm beautiful being. As she walked the girls around the circle she saws the top of a log off and you take it over to the Blacksmith and he "burns" something into it for you. The girls got their names and he added a heart for them. What's crazy is that I remember doing this when I was a kid. Laura, Matt and I went with Uncle Brian and Aunt Trina when we were kids for the first time. Matt and Tiffany were babies but I rode that horse for the first time with my cousin too! I can't get over that. What fun, that we have shared that experience. Tara and I took our logs home and colored them with crayons to make them more "exciting". Kiersten was all excited about the horse and kept saying "Neigh, Neigh" One lap is free, so we put her up there for a ride around the ring with Lexi. She started out good, but by the end she was starting to tear up a bit. One round was just enough for my little bug. But I'm happy that the girls all got to share this first together.

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