Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Last week my baby girl started preschool. I didn't get emotional, I didn't cry...mostly I was just very happy for her. I was also very ready for the structure that it provides. She is attending St. Paul's Lutheran School, which is located in St. Paul's Lutheran Church here in Decatur. A church that we attend and enjoy. For Leah this is familiar ground. She was actually admitted when we moved here last April (even though she was only 2) and so she knows and loves the teachers already. To make it even more exciting, the first week of school she got to show the other kids how things are done and got to be Ms. Sarah's special helper since she already knows the ropes. Needless to say, Leah was VERY excited about this. Everyday when I pick her up she tells me what she did good and what she did that was not so good and then she proceeds to tell me all the things that the other kids do that are wrong (or naughty in her words). I keep emphasizing that she needs to worry about herself not others, but Leah is large and in charge...meaning her personality of course. She can run a room, that's for sure.

She is really growing up so quickly. She is writing her name like a champ, spelling small words with daddy, and can tell you her address, her birthday, her last name, how old she is, and this morning she pulled off mommy's phone number for the first time. She amazes me day after day...oh and she knows who Obama is now too and will point him out whenever she sees him on TV. I'm sure my dad was thrilled when she was asking him this weekend if he loved Obama, ha ha! Anyway, love my little Leah. The year is off to a great start and only going to get better!

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