Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Did I Mention...

Although summer technically hasn't arrived, it has arrived here at the Schultz house. This weekend we had temperatures in the 90's so it seemed like the right time to bust out the sprinklers and popsicles. And the girls LOVED it. They played in the water for over an hour on both Saturday and Sunday and with temperatures expected to be in the 90's starting Thursday and through the weekend I am sure this will become a regular occurrence.

It didn't take long before Leah got pretty inventive. She was quick to get her buckets from the sand table...she started filling them and was tossing them in the general direction of her sister. Kiersten had another type of fun in mind. In no time, there were mud puddles forming and she thought they were the best thing ever. She would stomp and play in them like it was no big deal. Leah on the other hand would go over give it a try and then quickly head back to the sprinkler to get cleaned off. 

At noon we brought the girls in to get them ready for lunch. We dried off, changed clothes and were set. We told them that maybe we could play in the water more later and they seemed happy with that. After lunch they went back out to play while Mitch and I got to work on other things. He worked in the garden a bit, I was dusting, we FINALLY started getting the nursery organized. And DID I MENTION in the previous post that Bug has a new nickname??? We took a peek outside and Kiersten was covered in head to toe mud...yep, Pigpen! She was so happy and having so much fun. It was hard to get upset with her. She kept using her new catch phrase. "That's okay Mommy, No harm done." Such a little stinker, but so cute. So needless to say on Sunday after playing in the water, we moved one of our little tikes play structures over the mud puddle.

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