Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Real Deal...She's 4!

After celebrating on Saturday, and dinner at Gigi's on we are finally at the real deal! At 10:37 this morning, Leah was officially 4! Yikes, my baby girl is definitely not a baby anymore and she is pretty quick to tell you what a big girl she is. It's been a bit confusing to her with all the birthday celebrations...she keeps thinking that we are having another party at our house tonight because today is her actual birthday, but we are doing our best to make sure that her "day" is special. We put a special outfit on for school today, and had cupcakes, juice boxes, and treat bags for a special celebration at school. I went to  her class room early so I could be there to help her celebrate. Her smile was a mile wide as they sang happy birthday to her! Even Kiersten got to get in on the action.

After we left preschool we went to meet up with Daddy for a special birthday lunch. We took her to Dairy Queen last year for her birthday and we took Kiersten for her birthday this year, so it seems to be becoming a tradition. Both the girls were super excited...probably more so to see Daddy than to have ice cream for lunch, that's how much we love him! But lunch was fun...and now we are winding down for the rest of the day. There have been phone calls, emails and text messages from family members near and far wanting to wish her a happy birthday. My girl is loved. She is so special and I can't even begin to count the ways that my life is better having her in it. Sometimes she pushes my buttons and she certainly tests the limits, but  that's what is so great about her. She wants to do things on her terms, she is adventurous and outgoing and not shy in the least. I wouldn't have it any other way. Love my Leah and looking forward to all that the future holds. Happy Birthday, my beautiful brown eyed girl!

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