Monday, May 28, 2012

My Beloved...

From Song of Solomon in the Bible: "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine."

This weekend my baby cousin Melissa got married to her Prince Charming...Josh. My pregnancy hormones were in overdrive. I can remember when they brought her home from the hospital. Tara and I were 8 years old, in 3rd grade and we swore up and down that they brought home the wrong baby. She was so dark complected and had such thick BLACK hair. But she quickly turned into our Miss, and in no time we knew she was all Myerscough and the spitting image of her older sister. I was thinking about that day as I went to the church dressing room to see her before the ceremony. I had intentions of getting all these wonderful pictures and of course we got half-way there and I realized my camera had no SD Card in it. Darn the luck! So all I have are these cell phone shots, oh well! I know I can snag some from other family members eventually.
During the ceremony, I was a reader. Colossians 3: 12-17 was the scripture I read... "Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony." Colossians 3:14 was the verse that stood out to me the most, I had to put a lot of effort into not crying while I was reading and of course teared up the minute I sat down. One of Josh's family members read from Song of Solomon, the Beloved verses. Now, you might not know it but Amy means "Beloved" and as a child I always associated those verses with my own name. I even had Mitch's wedding ring engraved with "My Beloved is Mine." So that part of the ceremony was especially touching.

Melissa was gorgeous, she has always been beautiful on the inside as much as the out. But yesterday at her wedding she was radiant...glowing. And I know it can only be because she found her one true love, her soul mate. Welcome to the family Josh! We were so happy that we could be there to help you celebrate your special day and the beginning of what we hope will be a very fulfilling and exciting journey for you both, Cheers to the bride and groom!

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