Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Leah's Birthday Round-Up!

I am in complete denial that tomorrow, my beautiful brown-eyed girl, will be turning 4!!! I blinked and she went from being my beautiful little baby, to my big girl that is about as independent as can be. She started talking about her birthday back in March, right after Bug's party. It's been birthday this and birthday that for nearly two months. She was super excited to help me pick out the theme and I was so grateful that she liked the cowgirl theme and we didn't have to do princesses...Sometimes I am just princessed out :)

As the day approached she got more and more excited! We got sheriff's badges and bandanna's for all our little party guest. We planned a western theme cook-out with hot dogs, chips and queso, baked beans and all the fixin's. We even got a special cowgirl hat and T-shirt for Leah to wear to the hoe down. She was super excited to wear her birthday outfit, and we had to put her American Girl Doll, Ellie in her cowgirl outfit too!  The party didn't start until 5 PM on Saturday, talk about anticipation!!! She was so patient all day long waiting for her friends to arrive. She helped clean up all the toys, went to the store with her Daddy, and helped me frost and decorate the cupcakes. Such a big helper.

As her friends started to arrive she was super excited to show them the sheriff's badges and bandanna's and couldn't wait to get started playing. I had a few things planned, but didn't end up doing any of them. The kids were so content just to play out in the backyard. With a trampoline, power wheels, sand table, and swing set they were more than occupied. They all played really nice together, ate dinner and were patient waiting for the cake! I just love the pictures of Leah getting ready to blow out her "4" candle with all of her little friends around her. It was even more fun to watch her open her presents with all her friends quick to lend a helping hand. She was excited about the gifts and so were they...well, except for Kiersten who cried and cried when she realized none of them were for her :(

It was a great night. Mitch put so much hardwork into the day. He really had to carry the load with me being so pregnant...Not that I didn't help, I did. But he did most of the shopping, he mowed the lawn, got all the outside toys cleaned up and in place. He helped with the bulk of the cooking and was super-dad when it came to clean up...I'm a lucky girl, SERIOUSLY lucky girl. Leah told us it was "the best birthday party ever." And that made it all worth it. Yee Ha, cowgirl...glad you had a rootin' tootin' good time!

1 comment:

Suze said...

Happy birthday Leah! Love the theme and hats especially! So cute!