Sunday, May 6, 2012

Let's Go To The ZOO!

I've been  a bad blogger the past 10 days or so. Mostly because spring sprung up on us and we are crazy busy, but also because Mitch has been away at a conference this past week and I was single parenting. It always makes me appreciate him so much more...It is hard to function without him. We miss him, and he is a big part of our routine. It's nice to want to be with my best friend all the time. I hate it when he is gone and am usually counting down to his return. Anyway, we knew that he would be flying in to St. Louis on Thursday morning so we planned a little family outing. And we surely picked a good day...the sun was shining and it was 89 degrees in St. Louis!!!

I made arrangements with my girlfriend Sidney a few days prior and we were so happy to have Sidney, Charlee and Van join us for our day at the Zoo. We arrived shortly after noon and wasted no time getting started. And talk about excited!!! The kids were so pumped about seeing all the animals. We got a good start and managed to make it until 1:30 before grabbing lunch. After a quick bite, we were back on the trail. The kids were especially excited by the bears, and then of course the penguins. Kiersten especially has squealing with joy over the penguins. I think Leah thought that the Zebra's and Lions were the best. But then again, they had lots of fun watching the Orangutan. He kept hiding under a sheet, and the kids thought it was pretty funny. Although it was nice and warm, we managed to stay until 4:30. The kids were so well behaved...I couldn't believe. It I thought for sure Kiersten would start to have a meltdown, afterall it was way past her naptime but she was a trooper. Girl was super happy about all the animals! And Leah enjoyed telling me all about her favorite parts of the day. It's really a great place, and we will absolutely be returning again in the near future!

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