Monday, July 23, 2012

Hattie at One Month

This past Saturday, July 21st my sweet Hattie was one month old. I weighed her on my own...the old I get on the scale, and then I get on the scale with Hattie and do the math trick says that she weighs 9 lbs and 10 oz. now. Well, we made an impromptu trip to the doctor today to check on a cough and I was pretty close. Today she was 9 lbs 11 oz. So she is gaining weight which is a good thing and not surprising since she eats so well.

So Yes, Hattie has her first "illness". Mitch noticed a small cough on Saturday night, I started to notice Sunday afternoon, but by Sunday night she was having coughing fits. We went to the pediatrician this AM and thankfully her lungs sound clear. She doesn't have any fever and the doctor thinks it may just be some nasal drainage issues. So run the humidifier, keep her elevated, saline drops in her nose and see how she does...of course if the cough gets worse, it could be the beginning of Bronch problems (just like Leah, perhaps) and then we would have to start her on Xopenex. Hoping that's not the case.

Anyway, yes...9 lbs 11 oz. and doing great. She is starting to be awake more and alert more and is tracking things (mostly mommy and daddy) with her eyes.  Still hardly fusses ever. Once in a blue moon when you are hungry or tired, but for the most part you are one of the most content, mellow little ladies that I have ever met. Your sisters are still fascinated by you and want to give you kisses constantly, especially when you are sleeping.

You've started having "tummy time" and don't hate it...but you don't always love it either. We have a play mat that we put on the floor and set you in the center. There are toys that attach to it, but more often than not Kiersten has run off with them. We can't complain about your schedule much. You are on a good 3 hour routine. You eat, play and sleep and repeat about every three hours. Except of course at night. For the most part you go down between 10/10:30 and you wake for your first feeding at 2'ish and then go back to sleep until 5'ish and wake for the day around 7:30...We are going to have to change up the schedule a bit when Leah starts preschool next month, but we will worry about that when the time comes. For the most part, we are in a routine and things are going well. What a wonderful addition you have been to our family. You bring us so much joy! Looking forward to the smiles that should be coming soon.

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