Monday, July 30, 2012

Summer Colds

In the prime of summer we have been struck down. Hattie started us out with a little cough and a sniffle. A few days later it was Bug, and now it's Leahs turn. It's a cough that starts out mild but within 2-3 days they sound like barking seals. And the runny noses are almost too much, YUCK! Of course this is the first week all month that we don't have temps in the triple digits. I'm bummed. We actually even had a birthday party on Saturday. I took Leah and Hattie because Leah wasn't sick yet, and Mitch stayed home with Bug. I felt so bad for Bug having to miss the party. I made Mitch take her out for a treat. They went to Wal-Mart to get groceries and Mitch got her a new Zhu-Zhu Pet, and then to Dairy Queen for an ice cream cone. My friend Andrea sent a special "Ariel the Mermaid" treat bag home for Bug and a princess coloring book...she was so excited!

On another note, I have to say how proud I am of Leah. She has been a good big sister these days, picking up the slack while Mommy is breastfeeding. I sent them out to play the other day while I was feeding the baby. Hattie finished up and I went in to the kitchen and saw Leah helping Bug on to the swing outside. Then she proceeded to push her. It was so sweet I grabbed my camera and went outside to snap a picture. They are such big girls and have adjusted to having a baby in the house so wonderfully. I'm a lucky, lucky momma!

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