Monday, October 1, 2012

Enjoy the Journey

I've been meaning to sit down and update on all the "goings on" in our life, but just haven't been able to find the time...imagine that. I am busier as a stay-at-home mom, than I ever was when I had a job. But I feel especially blessed these days. Leah is thriving in preschool. She LOVES her teacher Mrs. Stanzione, and I think she may actually have her first little crush, or maybe I'm just reading too much into it, but last week I went to pick her up from school. She was dismissed to me, and came running. She gave me a hug and then said "Oh wait, I have to go tell my friend goodbye." She ran back to Logan, the little red-haired boy, said goodbye, gave him a hug and proceeded to kiss him on the cheek! WHAT!!! She's happens, but it was so sweet. Mitch and I were just commenting today at lunch that it's amazing how much she picks up. They do worksheets everyday, and she always has them all does she know??? She is doing excellent at writing her name, and is doing great writing her numbers too. I'm so proud of her and the girl she has become. She is moving up from Pikes to Eels in swim lessons that start back up Oct. 23rd...I haven't told her yet, but she will be so excited. Girl loves to swim!

And, Kiersten...I don't even know where to begin. Sister keeps me laughing all the time. She picks up on songs so quickly. And I think she is a Carly Rae Jepsen fan. She sings "It's Always a Good Time," her duet song with Owl City, but her favorite is clearly "Call me Maybe"...Mitch left for a conference today. I say to the girls "tell daddy goodbye, and we'll miss him"...Kiersten bust out her version of Carly Ray Jepsen's Call Me Maybe and sings "I'll miss you so bad, I'll miss you so bad, I'll miss you so so bad." She seriously makes me laugh. The also likes to say "Don't forget to pay the lady, folks" a little well known phrase from the show Storage Wars. Oh...and yesterday we were watching the Ryder Cup and she yells "get it in the HOLE." Do you think maybe she's seen a round of golf played before, LOL! Of course it may just be that she is from a Golf family. She is also coming into her own. She stands up to Leah a little more often now, and knows her colors, shapes and numbers. She LOVES to sing ABC's over and over and over again. The way she loves Hattie is almost too much. She hugs her and kisses her and wants to cuddle her all the time. I hope she always has a kind heart. She has been keeping busy with BabyTalk on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Library, or Liberry as she calls it. And starts Dance classes at Richland on Oct. 15th. She is finally getting to do all the things big sister gets to do...except school of course, but all in good time. 

And Hattie...still the sweetest, cuddliest, happiest little baby I've had the pleasure of knowing. I just can't get enough of her, and she is changing so quickly. Her delicious little smile melts my heart and she has totally found her voice. She makes the most adorable coos and babbles.

All three of the girls have been sick. Leah woke us up just after 3 AM last Tuesday night/Wednesday morning and Mitch ended up taking her to the ER after realizing she couldn't breathe. So they gave her meds, we followed up with our pediatrician and she was diagnosed with severe croup. Of course in no time, Kiersten and Hattie were sick too. Hattie did the best of the three. She just got congested, which was really bad at night when she was laying down. Poor thing was up 3 or 4 times a night...Poor Mommy and Daddy! But seriously, she slept better as a newborn. Now she seems to be back in the habit of waking up at night to eat. So tonight, she is in her crib for the first time (tear) with the head of the bed propped up, in hopes that she will good a good nights sleep, and I in turn, will also get a good nights sleep. So anyway, I'm just BUSY, but enjoying all the days that I get to spend with my beautiful girls. Enjoy the hodge podge of pictures.

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