Thursday, October 25, 2012

Throwback Thursday: Gigi and her 1st grandbaby, Aunt Laura & Papa too!

So I had my C-section on Friday, May 9th. My mom flew into Philadelphia (just over an hours drive) on Saturday the 10th in the early afternoon. Mitch went to get my mom...leaving me alone...recovering from major surgery, with a newborn. Ha, it really was fine...and besides, I just wanted my mom. I had sent pictures from my phone, but mom even commented that it was really hard for her not to be there on the day Leah came into the world. I bet that drive from the airport to the hospital was the longest drive EVER!

My memory seems to recall that mom and Mitch arrived back at the hospital around 4 pm, and I could tell it was love at first sight! Did I mention that Leah is named after my mom. My mother's name is Carol Lee, so we just flipped them around and got Leah Carol. And there was an attachment between the two from the start. Even today, Leah is very close to her Gigi and asks to see her all the time.

Mom had plans to stay with us the first week or so to help me get used to being a mom, and also because she knew I would need the help since I was recovering from surgery. My dad had plans to come out and meet Leah on Thursday, May 15th and then he and mom would drive home together but that didn't happen. Papa came down with pneumonia so there was no way we were letting him near the baby. Mom booked a flight home on Monday, May 19th. I wasn't ready for her to go. Her flight was in the evening, so Mitch didn't have to take the time off of work. We left a little early because we didn't want to risk having to deal with Philly's rush hour traffic. Dropped mom off at the airport and then I cried almost the whole way home. I didn't want to be so far away. But mom had no intentions of staying away for long.

My sister Laura decided to come and visit on May 31st and had plans to leave on June 4th. Mom decided that she wanted to come back out then too. So we had them schedule flights close enough that we only had to make one trip to the airport. I still remember seeing Laura walking through the airport and her first time holding Leah. She couldn't get over how little she was...which really she was almost 10 lbs by then! It was clear that Laura hadn't had much practice holding a baby...but she was a wonderful aunt. She wanted to spoil her with hugs and kisses and clothes and toys too!

On June 2nd, we went over to Freehold mall. Mom wanted to take me shopping and out to lunch at Cheesecake Factory for my birthday. While Mom and Laura spent the day shopping at Nordstroms I spent most of the day in the nursing room, trying to feed Leah. Nursing Leah was extremely difficult. She had trouble latching, she would fall asleep at the breast and she would nurse every two hours and it usually took her 40 minutes to eat. We were exhausted! I can remember at night Leah would eat, but then would cry and cry for more and my mom begged us to give her a bottle and when we did she would eat it so quickly we knew she had to be hungry. This was when we started to realize that breastfeeding wasn't going to be enough. We had to start supplementing with formula. It was so hard!!!

On June 3rd my dad finally arrived to meet little Leah. He isn't one to oooh and aaah over babies but she sure made him smile.  Mitch made us a wonderful dinner for my birthday, and we had ice cream favorite! On June 4th, they all had to head home. Mom and Dad were driving and were taking Laura to the airport on their way back to Illinois. Again, I stood on the porch and cried as they drove away. Mom cried too, she didn't want to leave since Leah was having so much trouble sleeping. And was overall pretty fussy. All attributed to her being hungry...sorry baby! But Gigi promised she would be back soon. And within days of getting home she booked a trip to come out June 30-July 3rd, YAY!

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