Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fall'ing in Love

It's October...and have I mentioned that I love fall?!?!? I think I do this same post sometime every Autumn. The weather is picture perfect, the kids can play outside, and not melt or freeze. Post-season baseball is in full swing and of course my Cardinals are playing. And  the leaves are changing. I love what I can see when I look out my front door...or my back door for that matter.

One of the few things I enjoyed about living in New Jersey was the fall foliage. If you haven't driven through through Pennsylvania/New Jersey in the Fall you don't know what you are missing. It's gorgeous!!! I adored all the red maples, and couldn't be happier to have my very own right smack dab in the middle of my backyard. I posted two pictures of it. One was taken Saturday morning and the other was Sunday morning...crazy that it can change that much overnight. And yes...I know the kids toys need to get picked up! We were going to try to make it to the pumpkin patch this weekend but the rain ruined our plans. Good thing we have two more weekends before Halloween. I love me some pumpkin patch fun!

So instead of the pumpkin patch Gigi brought Macy and Colby to Mt. Zion. We went to a matinee of Hotel Transylvania. And it was a super cute, fun movie. The kids were so good, they laughed and were dancing at the end. Mom and I enjoyed it too! And all night long they quoted Adam Sandler's Dracula "I do not say Blah, blah, blah." which was adorable. Then we had Macy and Colby come back to our house for a sleep over. They just love spending time together and we were so happy that we could help Aunt Cynthia out. Uncle Matt is gone for a whole month training for the new restaurant, and we figured she could use a break. I can't believe I didn't get any pictures of all four of them...oh well, always pictures of my kids to share at least. Happy Fall, Ya'll!

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