Monday, March 11, 2013

Birthday Ice Cream

On Saturday night, we finally got to take Bug out for her Birthday Ice Cream. It was only a day late, but I felt bad. She could have cared less. She was super excited. It was a busy day. Mitch was still struggling with the stomach bug so while he stayed home to get some rest, I took Leah and Kiersten to Tatum's birthday party. We got home and were waiting for Hattie to wake up from her nap and as soon as she did, we loaded up and headed out. The girls were so well behaved. They loved eating their kids meals but of course the ice cream cones stole the show. Leah is already counting down to her birthday ice cream cone.

On Sunday we were supposed to head to Charleston for Gigi's Birthday Dinner. On Thursday when she was asking Bug what she wanted Kiersten kept telling her "cupcakes and cake" and we kept asking her "cheeseburgers, ravioli, chicken nuggets?" and she kept insisting "cupcakes and cake". Well, on Friday she decided she wanted a big salad with olives...she loves the ones at Olive Garden. Gigi was all ready to go, but then she started to feel sick. We ended up postponing "Birthday dinner". We are rescheduling for Wednesday night, and hopefully everyone is healthy. Bug climbed into my lap last night and said "I'm sorry I gave my germs to Gigi and made her sick." Awww, poor girl feels so bad. It's been a rough week, but hopefully it will still be a birthday to remember.

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