Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My Not So Little, 9 Month Old!

STOP!!! Why can't my baby stay a baby just a little bit longer. We just had her 9 month check-up and even Dr. Branham commented that she is looking less and less like a baby, Sigh! It's going much too fast. I sure love her little baby girls snuggles and noises and her gummy toothless grin was almost too cute for words. But alas, that is no more. She finally got her first tooth. It popped through on March 10th, and the second one is not far behind. That puts her on the same tooth schedule as Kiersten (8 mo. old with the first one) and way ahead of Leah who didn't get her first tooth until the day of her 1st birthday. She also picked up some new tricks this month. Like shaking her head no. It's adorable, and I try not to indulge too much and am trying to teach her yes, but like most kids...NO is her favorite. She has also mastered the open hand clap (March 18th) and is getting pretty good at giving high fives.

Like I said, we went to the doctor this morning and baby girl is growing good, just like she should. She is in the 75th percentile for height and weight. She tipped the scales at 20lbs 1 oz. and measured 29 inches. She doesn't take any baby food anymore. She eats table food, and the doc said to start giving her a sippy cup of water. Developmentally she is on track, if not ahead of the curve. She is crawling and trying to stand. Making steady consonant and vowel sounds, grasping and tracking objects. Lately she is having a little bit of separation anxiety. Not gonna lie, I don't mind that one. Before you know it I will be planning her first birthday party...tear. I love this sweet girl and her big sisters too. Just don't be in such a hurry to grow up, Hattie cakes!

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