Monday, March 25, 2013

"Ted E. Bear"

This past weekend Leah got to bring home a friend from school, Ted E. Bear. He is the class bear and he alternates weekends visiting different students homes. Well, this was our weekend. He comes with a notebook where you document all the fun stuff you do with Ted. This is what Leah wanted to write:

Ted was super excited to come visit Leah at home. They started off playing "rock band" on Friday afternoon and then went outside to play. Ted didn't have a coat, so he had to borrow one from baby Hattie. He sure thought the trampoline was fun! On Saturday morning, Leah had an eye doctor appointment. She was a little bit nervous, but Ted told her it would be okay and boy was he right. The doctor gave Ted and Leah both a lollipop for being such good patients.

Saturday afternoon was a special treat. We had tickets to go see "The Wizard of Oz" at the Decatur Civic Center. Logan, from preschool, came too! Leah likes to dress up for special events and she thought that Ted needed "to wear a dress because you have to be fancy at the theatre." They loved the show. Glinda the Good Witch,  was Leah's favorite character and Ted loved Toto. On Sunday the snow started to fall so we were stuck inside but Leah and Ted enjoyed lots of snuggles. Thanks for coming to stay with us, Ted.

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