Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Busy Weekend

We had one of those weekends when you barely have time to stop and take a breath. The kind that's so busy, you need an extra day just to recover. But that's okay. You need weekends like that once in a while and in the end we always look back and say "that was fun!" That's what kind of weekend this was.

It started on Saturday morning. I got up and went to the gym, because that's what I do on Saturday morning. We had talked about taking the girls to the St. Patrick's Day Parade downtown Decatur, but frankly I had forgotten about it. Luckily Mitch was on the ball, and when I got home he had the girls ready to go. Of course Hattie was in the middle of a nap so I stayed home with her, but what a dad!!! The girls didn't have much in the way of green clothes, but thankfully I was able to find  a few green scarves in the closet so they wouldnt' stick out like sore thumbs. As Mitch was walking out the door I said "take a bag for candy" to which he replied "I have pockets." I convinced him to take a bag anyway and good thing I did. When the girls got back home that bag was overflowing with sweet goodness in the form of tootsie rolls and dum-dums.

We got Bug down for a nap and when she woke up it was time to get them to Gigi's house since Mitch and I had plans. Mitch took them to Sullivan while I was getting ready. We were invited as guest to the LSA Dinner Auction and I was really looking forward to it. After the big girls got settled with Gigi, Mitch came home and we took Hattie over to Mandi and Blakes. Then we were off to the Decatur Convention Center and Hotel. It was my first time there and it's a nice place. We browsed the auction tables and talked to a few people that we knew. We were sitting with the Karsten's, Jeanne who is the school nurse, and Kyle the Executive Director. And our friend Tim and Denise White. Their daughter Camryn was in Leah's preschool class last year and will be in Kindergarten with her next year. We had a good time chatting at the table and getting to know everyone better...and we even bid a time or two, but sadly went home empty handed.

On Sunday Mitch and I buckled down with our spring cleaning. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to really get to cleaning since Leah and Kiersten were gone. After noon we showered up and headed to Charleston. This year Kiersten's birthday was the birthday that wouldn't end!!! We had her party on March 3rd and then for her actual birthday we all had the flu. We took her for birthday ice cream on the 9th and then when Gigi got the flu we had to reschedule her birthday dinner for Sunday the 17th. We were all VERY birthday'd out. But it was fun all the same. Kiersten got a super cute potterybarn anywhere chair with her name embroidered on it and of course the traditional birthday bag FULL of clothes. We love Gigi!

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